Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Thanks so much - you're great

This is what sums up the feelings of one of the passengers of a recent MAF flight.  And we want to say that to our supporters too.  Without you, it would not be possible for us to be here, doing the work we are doing - thank you so much.  Your support is enabling many passengers to reach their destinations quicker and so reaching many many more communities with their life saving work - be that medical support, educational programmes, developmental programmes or spiritual ones.

Here's what the passenger said:

We are currently on a one month teaching mission that could not have happened without MAF. Travelling in and out of South Sudan is not possible without MAF. Getting through the chaos of the Juba airport and departing safely through the uncontrolled airspace would have been too risky if not for MAF. Missions in Africa happens because of MAF means no missions outside of capital cities by anyone other than long term missionaries. 

This is my third trip to East Africa and my 12'th flight. As a pilot, my requirements to fly are extremely high and demanding. The MAF pilots exceeded every expectation and are the best pilots in the world. I'd fly anywhere, anytime and in any condition with them. 

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