Today is a significant day for us. It was exactly a year ago (almost to the hour) when I was sat at home with the kids waiting for Ken to come back from work to watch the football. Exactly a year ago when it was his penultimate day at Langley House Trust before starting our new adventure with MAF - something that we really felt was right for us. Little did I know how much was going to change in the next few hours and how since then we have felt God's faithfulness in a way we have never experienced before. It's been a year since Ken had his car crash.
It is good to mark these days and remember how much God has provided for us as a family in ways above and beyond anything we could ever ask or imagine. (Ephesians 3 v20) God has been so amazingly faithful. He has always provided for all of our needs (Philippians 4 v 19)
And I have certainly learned through this that God always uses every circumstance for His good and His glory. (Romans 8 v 28) Perhaps some of the things we have been through this year I wouldn't have chosen for us, but through every situation whether it was for good or for bad, God has turned for his good and his glory. He may not have stopped some things happening, but He has ensured that when we have needed to endure a situation, He has given us the skills we have needed to get through it. I want to mark this anniversary for us with acknowledgement of how God is faithful. He can be trusted and he always wants the very best for us.
Here is just the beginning of God's faithfulness.
- I first heard about the crash when a policeman picked up Ken's phone. I would have found it really difficult if 2 policemen had come to my door to tell me what had happened (which would have been the alternative) so I was very grateful that I spoke to the policeman on the phone first. He said to me weeks later that as a policeman you are not supposed to pick up the telephone of the person in an accident as you don't know how the person on the receiving end of the phone will take the news that someone they know or love is seriously injured in a crash - but that on this night, he just felt it was right to pick up the phone - God is faithful.
- The policeman also said that 'Your husband is seriously injured but that he will be ok.' This was enough for me to believe! He didn't need to say those words to me but God knew I needed to hear those words - God is faithful!
- My very good friend, (also a nurse!) was not working that night and so was able to come with me to the hospital and translate 'Doctor's language' into something that I understood and could reassure me when they were using certain words to tell me what was happening and not others. What a blessing she was - God is faithful.
- Another very good friend was free that night to come over and sit with the children. She says that she has never prayed for healing and felt such peace in such a way as that night. God is faithful.
- My parents were home (and not on holiday) so they could come and stay with the children until morning. God is faithful.
- Ken doesn't remember a thing - not even now - and has never had a flashback! wow - God is faithful!
- Someone from our village was first on the scene, not really knowing Ken, but was able to come over and fill in the gaps that the police couldn't. God is faithful.
- People on the scene thought that Ken was already dead and so left his car alone to focus on the others involved in the crash. But an off duty policeman was in the tailback of the accident and rushed to Ken's car - felt a pulse in Ken, ripped off the roof of the car and held his head until the ambulance arrived, God is faithful.
- Another very good friend wasn't phased when I burst into tears on him at the school gates the next morning! God is faithful!
- Another very good friend (also a nurse working at the same hospital) was free the next morning to accompany me to the hospital and push doors to get the very best care for Ken and explain what all of the machines were for and what they meant. God is faithful.
- Satan certainly meant that night to 'kill, steal and destroy' John 10 v 10, as we were beginning our adventure with MAF when we knew we were going to have to rely on God a lot more for a lot of our needs - finances, work, home etc. But through the car accident, our faith has been increased - not decreased - and so showing that God uses every situation for his good and his glory. God is faithful.
- Another very good friend (whom I should have been sharing supper with that night) was also with another leader from church and was able to pray that night for us. She later explained that she had never prayed for healing as much as that night and that her faith increased as a result, giving her more faith to keep praying. God is faithful.
- Another very good friend who lives a long way away had been fasting all day, with two other friends (who don't know Ken), not knowing what they were to be praying for that evening when they met together to pray. When they found out that news that night, they prayed for every part of Ken's body they could think of. God is faithful!
- Those first on the scene at the accident, once they knew that Ken was alive, thought he would never walk again because of the position of his body - and yet he didn't even have a single bruise on his body below the waist! God is faithful.
- Ken received over 60 get well cards and everyone who wrote a verse of scripture in their card (except 3 people) quoted from the same verses from the bible! Psalm 91 God Is faithful!
The doctors couldn't believe how quick ken was recovering at home. God is faithful.
So, God is faithful. I could go on - this is just the beginning of our story.
I have so many more testimonies of God's faithfulness, of his miraculous healing - this only covers the night of the crash and there are still more of the same night that I could tell you, but I figured you might have got the picture by now - God is faithful, loyal, trustworthy, staunch, dependable, reliable and dedicated to us. We have learned so much of His faithfulness this year and I am so very grateful.
If you don't know the whole story of Ken's car crash and would like to comment on what I have said or find out more of God's faithfulness to us this year, please do email us - 4kenandmaz@gmail.com as the comments section isn't working.
So, God is faithful. I could go on - this is just the beginning of our story.
I have so many more testimonies of God's faithfulness, of his miraculous healing - this only covers the night of the crash and there are still more of the same night that I could tell you, but I figured you might have got the picture by now - God is faithful, loyal, trustworthy, staunch, dependable, reliable and dedicated to us. We have learned so much of His faithfulness this year and I am so very grateful.
If you don't know the whole story of Ken's car crash and would like to comment on what I have said or find out more of God's faithfulness to us this year, please do email us - 4kenandmaz@gmail.com as the comments section isn't working.
Inspiring stuff!