We should have landed back in Kenya last Wednesday but a couple of weeks ago Maz's mum was rushed into hospital and given only hours to live. It has been quite a roller coaster of a time since then. We have learned to see God's miracles firsthand and to look for the smallest of miracles as well as the big ones too. We have learned that our hope has to come from knowing God and trusting that He always has the very best planned for us.
Mum is making progress and has beaten predictions. Two weeks on she has sat up for 5 mins and even taken short walks out of bed. Small steps I know but progress all the same and we continue to look for more. It says in the bible that the joy of The Lord is our strength. So we continue to look for joy in everything; from a comfortable bed to great nurses to Costa coffees at the hospital.
Thank you so much for all your prayers. We are looking forward to going home and sleeping in our own bed (and not one of the 15 others that we have been in. Great as they have been). We will miss everyone so much but are looking forward to carry on God's work in Kenya.
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