I understand the BBC have reported the floods that we have experienced here in Nairobi over the past few days. Tragically nine people lost there lives in the floods which took place in the most torrential rain I have ever experienced.
Having grown up in South Wales I am very familiar with rain! The amount of rain, and the sheer deluge of the rain in the past few days however has really astounded me. After several months of drought the long rains season has now being going on for around a month. These rains aren't the days of drizzle that I remember from my youth but torrential downpours and thunderstorms nearly every night. At first I was amazed at how quickly the water disappeared into the parched soil but after several weeks the water has no where left to go, hence the floods.
The floods have brought with them an addition hazard, with a Cholera outbreak hitting the city, especially in the slums. Maz and the kids received a vaccine today and I will follow suit tomorrow evening.

This is a wonderful country but overcrowded cities such as Nairobi cannot cope with rain like this. Please pray for a temporary let up in the rains, for those whose property has been damaged or loved-ones killed and for an end to the Cholera outbreak.